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Hello All,

This will be the final post for the Summer 2012 Run Club. We are down to the wire, Blueberry Festival ’12 is among us and that means all of our hard work and training is about to pay off for race day. We have fluctuated with Saturday running attendance but remember the glory of the training program was the flexibility to know what work-outs to do and the intensity and time to run while being able to work around a personal, family, work schedule. We started with 11 participants total and I’m happy to say that the majority of the group have committed and registered for the Labor Day 5K race for this upcoming Monday 9/3! & we are super proud coaches!

For a moment, let’s get real about life and exercise, training towards a goal and having upsets with your own body or obstacles that may be out of your control and in your face. We had some Club members that were never able to make the Saturday runs due to family or work-and that’s ok! We had some runners that just fell off course, lost motivation or made excuses-and that’s ok! Some runners have experienced injury and with the coaches talked on how they should recover, stretch or improve. Regardless of what happened, they are back with the team, they did the work-outs on their own time & as best to their ability as possible and they were honest with themselves and with the Run Club. We certainly understand the need to “juggle” training time between all other responsibilities and personal needs. The bottom line is we are here for you, not just the Running Club and coaches but Fitness Forum Sports and Wellness and all that are affiliated. We truly want ‘to assist others in reaching their God given potential, especially through physical fitness and health as it relates to and sets in balance with mental and spiritual fitness’.

The group has become close-knit and encouraging towards each other; and often times after our Saturday runs we stand around and extend our stretching session just so we can finish talking about our plans for the weekend, our families, nutrition tips, etc. We have even decided to have a team dinner this Friday night at LifePlex to get “carb-loaded” for Race Day, so we’ll have our final work-out at Fitness Forum and then relax and fuel up! The group has also shown interested in continuing our Fitness Forum Sports & Wellness Run Club and we hope that if you also are intrigued in getting started with running or having a weekly team to walk/jog/run with please let us know! Otherwise we hope to be back next summer to help you prepare and train to TROMP THE STOMP!

If you have any needs, questions, suggestions or comments please post or reach out to us at Fitness Forum Sports & Wellness!!

Happy Running!

Coach Julie Rodriguez

Coach Whitney Trent



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